Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Oh blogging, faithful distraction that you are.

So I realized that I never finished telling you about my fun-filled family weekend.

I suppose that's because there's not much to tell. Uncle Eric and Grandpa were rather quiet at dinner Friday night, thus a stress-free evening for me. The next morning we finished packing up Michelle and drove her and my mom to the airport. Then I got food poisoning. The End.

So as a consolation prize to those who were waiting with bated breath for the rest of my rather boring story, here is a little video the boys made.



  1. That's a very clever video--especially the parts where the actor appears to be moving forward while everyone else is moving backwards

  2. yo-my link doesn't work on your site b/c your still connected to my last domain name.
    its now creativemichellebelle.blogspot.com not magnanimousmichelle.blogspot.com. mom likes to go to everyones sites through yours so its kind of important you do that....thanks!
