Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'M DONE!!!*

And this is what I'm doing.

*with this semester.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Oh blogging, faithful distraction that you are.

So I realized that I never finished telling you about my fun-filled family weekend.

I suppose that's because there's not much to tell. Uncle Eric and Grandpa were rather quiet at dinner Friday night, thus a stress-free evening for me. The next morning we finished packing up Michelle and drove her and my mom to the airport. Then I got food poisoning. The End.

So as a consolation prize to those who were waiting with bated breath for the rest of my rather boring story, here is a little video the boys made.


Monday, April 27, 2009


Michelle attempted to kill me Saturday night. But I am invincible!

With a show of "generosity," she gave me all her food left in her apartment before she moved out. Innocently I decided to eat some of her parmesan cheese with my pasta before I headed out to spend the evening with Kirsten and Betina. It tasted rather funny but I ignored it, thinking it was just the taste difference between Kraft and the cheapo brand she had.
Three hours into my night out I was thinking a little differently. I had to leave early and run home so I could .... well, you know what happens when you get food poisoning.

So I was throwing up all night. Joy.

I counted, and the amount of sleep I got Saturday and Sunday is equal to the amount of time I was awake. Most of that awake time was spent lying on my bed or my couch anyway. So right now I am trying to get my appetite back. Since Saturday I have had 4 pieces of toast and three bowls of soup. Tonight I will attempt to eat a real meal.

The parmesan cheese has been thrown in the trash. All other food items of Michelles will be given a very thorough look-over before I consider eating from her stash again.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Who's up for a little FFF?

I feel the need to update because I have been hearing quite a lot this week that people actually read and enjoy my blog. What a surprise! (That's not sarcasm - I really am surprised). Also because I should be working on my twelve page paper and (cue whiny voice) I don' wanna.

Michelle graduates this week. Which means my parents are here. Also, my Grandpa and Uncle are here so they could visit my Grandmother's grave. And they are staying with the family that already lives here.

This means I have been very busy hangin' with all the fam. And I bring Seth along too. And he loves it. . . . At least that's what he tells me. (I suspect this is mostly because every time I've brought him along it's to dinner, or some place that we're eating.) He told me he is afraid of gaining the reputation of a moocher. I think he secretly thinks it would be worth it. . . .

Here's what's been happening so far.
Wednesday Night: Dinner at Brick Oven. (Guess who planned that?) (...For those not in the know-that would be my dad, who I'm convinced would be eating at the Brick Oven every week - maybe more - if he lived in Provo.) Lots of hilarious conversation that Becky advised me to blog about. Unfortunately I don't remember any of it. I do remember Michelle getting up during the middle of dinner so she could hug my father. Yeah, you can't see it but I'm shaking my head at this memory. Oh, Michelle. Where did you come from?
After this Michelle, Seth and I went to pick up my mother at the airport. Michelle and my mother then spent the rest of the night telling Seth stories I have on purpose not told him yet. He had fun. I was grumpy.

Thursday: Today was spent with my mom while my Dad and his family went up to Smithfield. We ate some lunch, wasted some time, and went to Michelle's Commencement. We got to sit behind the speaker on the the benches with no backs. It was a fun two hours for us. (Yeah, this time I'm being sarcastic.) Then we went to dinner at Gabe and Emily's house, where their two sons proceeded to wipe Seth and I out with a nerfgun fight. (Mostly it was me and the two boys against Seth - I aimed for the head. Great fun.) Unfortunately they expected us to have the same amount of energy as them (which I think is actually infinite - it never runs out! Amazing.) and were disappointed that Seth and I mostly just sat on the couch for the rest of the night. Their daughter is the cutest girl I have ever seen. It is ridiculous how cute she was. Just Ridiculous.
Then I came home and fell asleep on Seth's couch instead of working on my paper like I should have.

This morning Michelle and my mom met my father for breakfast at Magleby's. It was delightful conversation. I remember none of it, but I assure you it was delightful. And now I am home so I can "work on my paper." It took me a while to convince Michelle that I'd filled my sisterly quota of support by going to her Commencement yesterday, thus I had no need of attending Convocation this morning. Luckily my argument worked.

Tonight we are going to dinner at Tamaras, where Seth will meet Uncle Eric and Tory. I am afraid.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes! Wait, no. Crap.

Well, after all my complaining and moaning and groaning about cold, gross Utah weather, we've finally had gorgeous, beautiful weather for two whole days.

And I've got allergies like nobody's business.

I think there's a lesson in here somewhere about enjoying what you have and the grass isn't always greener on the other side, but since my head is pounding and my nose is all stuffed up and eyes are itchy and watery and i keep coughing, i'm having a hard time figuring it out. Thinking is difficult for me right now.

So I'm writing a useless blog post instead of working on my research project.

Ahhh my poor aching head...

Thursday, April 16, 2009


As I write this Seth is eating ice cream out of a cup with a knife. I was going to write something about how odd he is but I really cannot think of anything to say about that.

Work today was very long except for one moment that I found rather amusing.
A boy came in and got some ice cream and as I finished ringing him up he said "Thank You."
I started to say "You're Welcome" and then changed my mind halfway through to say "No Problem."

It came out "You're A Problem."

I don't think he heard me so I quickly ducked into the back so that I could giggle to myself in private.

I don't think I would get any tips if I started saying that to customers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If I could only remember how glorious Spring Break was...

...I probably wouldn't be so bitter now.
These are the things I have to do within the next week.

1. Write a paper for my Deaf World Discourse class about Language Policy.
I have to first read the chapter on Language Policy before I can do this.
2. Do a Take-Home Test for my Deaf World Discourse class - minimum is 16 pages.
3. Finish my research and write a research paper for my Deaf World Discourse class - minimum is 7 pages.
(why yes, this class is a killer)
4. Study for and take the written portion of the Interpreter Certification Test. I'm scheduled for Saturday. (!!!!! This one alone is half the amount of stress I am currently experiencing.) If I don't pass it now I will have to wait till June to retake it. Which also happens to be the month they are introducing a whole NEW test.
(Also pushes back my chance of getting an internship this fall.)
5. Finish 2 chapters of Sociology reading so that I can take my last exam.
6. Finish 2 discussion questions for Sociology.
7. Deafness and the Law Lab Assignment
8. Simultaneous Interpreting Lab Assignment
9. Ethics Lab Assignment

Meanwhile, everyone is celebrating BYUs last day of classes by playing video games over at N106, while I sit alone in my apartment doing my homework for school tomorrow.
*sigh* Let the stressing begin...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random thoughts before class...

This morning I turned on my camera just to see if it had decided to behave again.
It did! I can see through the viewer.
Then I started to play with the buttons.
It still has some behavioral issues we need to work out...

I've been productive for two straight days. Go me!
This is because I have no easy access to a computer so when I am at school I tend to just do schoolwork instead of facebook/blogging/chatting like I normally like doing.
Also because Seth has had a big project that was due today. We've spent the last two nights in the nerd hole.

I'm cold. I've been cold all day. I suppose it serves me right for not bringing a jacket to school with me, but the weather was so nice yesterday and it looked so nice this morning that I assumed the obvious - it would be nice all day today.
I must have forgotten that I'm dealing with Utah weather. It's became very windy and cool. Also, it is so cold in this school! I forgot that too.

I suppose all that schoolwork I've been doing has pushed everything else out of my brain.

There is a boy sitting a few seats down from me that must be watching something hysterical because he breaks out into wheezes every few minutes. You know what I'm talking about? The wheeze you do when you want to burst out laughing but that would be inappropriate and probably a little weird and then everyone would look at you... but you still can't cover up your laughter all the way. It reminds me when I first started reading Cake Wrecks during school and I did the wheeze every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon for at least a week and a half.

I'd better go to class now. And then I can go home and be warm. . . . ahh blissful warmth. Curse the AC in this school!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Last night Seth gave me a bloody nose. The abuser...

He's probably not going to like that I wrote that so I'd better continue on with my story.

Last night we were playing Bang (it's like a card version of Mafia...very fun) and I was delighted because I usually beat Seth at this game. I've killed him off at least a couple of times.

Except for this time. This time I was dead in three rounds. Thanks to Seth.

In my misery I started to abuse him.

Ok fine fine fine. This is going to be awkward...I started to tickle him as punishment. (His face gets all screwed up in pain and he curls up into a little ball and it's one of the funniest things I've seen, all right? And I do it until he calls truce.)
Except that this time he reached out and punched me in the face for doing it.

Ok fine fine fine. That's not what really happened. What really happened is that I did start to tickle him, and while he was trying to get away from me, he accidentally .... how do i put this . . . . hmmmmmm .....

He headbutted me.

My nose immediately started throbbing and my face got all red and my eyes started watering. I had to run home to get some tissues for the blood.

It was rather embarrassing for me and Seth felt awful for the rest of the night. I didn't use his guilt to my advantage the way I should have. Next time he punches me in the face . . . uhh, what I mean is, next time he accidentally headbutts me because I was abusing him, I most definitely will.

I think I've learned my lesson - next time I will cheat so that Seth doesn't beat me at Bang.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Random Post.

Right now I am sitting at a computer on the first floor of the UVU Library and I am trying to write a paper.
I have one paragraph.

My paper is a biography of myself. I'm supposed to write in the third person. Janette feels uncomfortable and awkward writing in the third person. Janette wishes that was not a requirement. You try it. It's weird.

I wanted to write a blog post instead of writing a paper but apparently I am having struggles with writing all around. I have started about fifteen different things to write about and deleted them all.

Mostly I have just been staring out the window at the dark gray clouds and the trees blowing about and sighing. I wish summer was here.

BYU's last day of classes is the 14th. UVU's last day of classes is the 23rd. Which means I will be studying and taking finals while everyone else is celebrating the end of the semester.
That's usually the time when I most regret transferring to UVU.

I also regret it when I'm late and I realize that I have to go outside and scrape snow off my car, making me even later. Or when I'm late because I have to circle around looking for parking. Or when I'm late because of the traffic between Campus Plaza and UVU. That's when I think to myself "If I went to BYU I would not be late."

I do NOT regret it when it is freezing and snowy or rainy outside and I can walk about to all my classes without stepping outside once. (As one of my friends describes this place, It's like an extremely large indoor high school)

I always whisper to myself what I'm about to type before I start typing it. I think I do it quite often and I don't realize it. I'm afraid I just whispered rather loudly and people glanced over.

I think I'd better get back to my homework....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Great. Just Great.

I did something stupid on Saturday.

I did my wash.
And I checked all the pockets in all of my jeans and my jackets.
Except for one. The jacket I'd worn the day before, on our ward photo scavenger hunt.
And I washed and dried my camera.
And now it's useless.
Actually, it still turns on and the battery still works and the card still works so I can still see all the photos I took on it. And I can take pictures. But only if I want pure black pictures. The lens is messed up. It's just black.

On Monday, my laptop died. I was using it (supposedly for homework but really to play tetris) and I stood up to get something and when I came back, it had shut off.
And it hasn't turned on since.
And I have three big papers due in the next few weeks that I have no idea where I'm going to work on. I will be staying at school and borrowing people's computers a lot over the next few weeks.
(No worries though, I can get all of my stuff off of the hard drive thanks to my computer genius friends)

AND for the past 3 days my phone has been randomly turning off. I don't know why. I'm praying it also doesn't die on me.

I don't know what I did to upset it, but technology hates me.
It's been a sad week.

(It just occurred to me that you might think this is an April Fool's joke....if only it were. If only.)