Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oh, the horror.

Today I went through a grueling experience I'd hoped to never go through again. I babysat.

The reason for this is because my father oh so generously volunteered me to do it so that he could take the mother out on a little date. and he did so before informing me about it. Thank you father.

There were two 6 month old twins. When we got there my dad handed one twin to me and she then proceeded to pinch all of my arm fat in her chubby little fist over and over again. and boy did she have nails. I knew then that it was going to be a long 4 hours.

Thankfully I had Katie with me, who babysits almost every weekend, compared to my lifetime average of around 4 times. And that was at least 7 years ago. My father laughingly remarked that I looked completely out of my element. Yeah, laugh it up chuckles....you'll be paying for this for months to come.

The reason it was so horrid is that both babies would not. stop. crying. Once one of them started, it would get the other going and vice versa. It didn't matter what we did to try and soothe them. At one point Katie went to make bottles for them and she handed her crying baby to me so that I now had two screaming infants squirming about on my lap. It was then that I knew I would not have children for a very very long time. and hopefully never twins. Parents-I don't know how you did it with Amanda and me.

They were perfectly happy for about the last 20 minutes so that when the mother came home she thought they were darling little angels. Katie and I were exhausted and covered in baby spit and formula. Our clothes are in the washer now.

Never again!


  1. hahahahah that was the best laugh i've had today. thank you. i love that photo. remember that photo i had of you and that boy that looked like andrew that always made me laugh. this photo belongs in that category. i miss you. when you come back we need to catch up.

  2. LoL!! Oh man, that sounds crazy! I am with you on not knowing how parents handle twins!

    And I laughed about your boot entry. I felt the same way about boots, and now I have multiples pairs and I love them. It did sound like yours were meant to be, though!
