Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Useful Fellow

Seth likes to fix things - he gets immense pleasure from it. He told me he was first attracted to me because I had the word "tools" in my last name. (I gave him a hearty eye roll at this.)

So the left brake light on my car has been broken for quite a few months now. It's been broken before, we had it fixed last year. They told me it might be from a leak as there was water in the tail light. I said ok and promptly forgot about it.
Fast forward to a month or two ago when Seth inspected the back tail light after noticing it didn't work. . It had almost completely filled with water. It was at this point that he became very excited at the prospects of fixing it. (He also suggested several times that instead of fixing it we could buy a goldfish and have it live in my tail light. I said no.)
It took us a few weeks to get back to fixing it (and by us I mean Seth, since my solution would be to take it to Jiffy Lube and have them repair it for lots of money). He unscrewed the tail light, dumped out the water, found that three of the four bulbs had broken, and the water leakage came from a broken latch.
So he fixed the broken latch, cleaned out the inside, went to the store and bought some new light bulbs, and then replaced them.

It was unsuccessful. None of the lights were working now. Seth got more excited. More fixing to do! He opened it up to inspect the wires. They were completely rusted, some to the point of just breaking off. The electricity couldn't flow through it very well. Even better, because now he could use his power tools. He soldered (yes I actually do know what that is) the pieces back together and rewired it.

And it worked. My lights work now. We were both very happy - me because my car got fixed, Seth because he was successful at fixing it.

And that is why I'm dating him.


  1. hahaha. I love this post. I'm glad at least SOMEONE thinks that "tools" in our last name is a draw. I also liked Seth getting progressivly happier with each new challenge, lol!

  2. I just got off the phone with Rachel and she was telling me about all her experiences in the "Nerd Hole". You two can commiserate. She had a lot of stories about dating an engineer. I've decided that Seth is A LOT like Brett.
