Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dreams Destroyed

I've always thought I was a very graceful and dignified person.

Then I started hanging out with Joseph, who notices absolutely everything.
Every time I spill things, trip, or have my drink dribble out of my mouth, he points it out with a laugh and a disapproving shake of his head.

His favorite story is when I was eating a piece of pineapple in front of him. I was trying to be fancy and I didn't want to shove the whole thing in my mouth because that would be undignified. So I decided to just take a bite out of it.
Bad Idea. Pineapple is not very conducive to nice little bites. The juice immediately started flowing down my chin and onto the table. Meanwhile I was still trying to gnaw a delicate little bite off the pineapple while Joseph was laughing in my face. In defeat I had to shove the whole thing into my mouth and then try my best to clean up the pineapple juice. All my dreams of being a proper, graceful woman were destroyed. Joseph will now sometimes refer to me as "Pineapple Juice Face." In addition to his habitual laughter in my direction, he is also uncreative.

I told him I was writing about this story and he started to list off all his favorite moments of when I had issues eating my food.
I didn't realize there were so many.


  1. I can be more creative with my nick names if you'd like...I didn't realize you felt so bereft.

  2. haha. oh janette. I think you are graceful

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You get your gracefulness from your mother - - and Joseph is no longer my favorite

  5. (gasp) Sister Power! I've rarely felt so hurt. Out of all of the mothers of roommates/friends I've met here at BYU, you're still my favorite.

    Have Janette tell you about the time she tried to put 30 PEANUT m&m's in her mouth. It's on video.

  6. My mother guilt works on my children's friends---sweet! So Janette tell me about the Peanut incident . . .

    Unfortunately I've broughtthis painful disability upon poor Janette. So Sorry
