Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So I figured I'd better do a post about my Spring Break to Arizona.
I left on Saturday and spent the next two days with Katie and David before they left to Virginia.
I tried to get a decent picture of them but since Katie is 16 and a teenager and therefore a brat, I was unsuccessful.

She entertains me greatly though so I suppose I will forgive her some day.

The first thing David said to me was "Want to hear my banshee scream?" He then let out an unearthly scream. I thought it was hysterical. Disturbing, yes. But still hysterical.

The rest of the week was spent in blissful laziness with my momma.
We went shopping one day and bought way more than I was planning for. (But everything was majorly on sale and it was all so cute! impossible for me to resist).
My momma is so trendy!

We also went and got pedicures one day. I felt so fancy.

And of course, we went out to eat. El Rico's, Chipotle, and Texas Roadhouse. Yum yum yum.
And now I am back to eating spaghetti and sandwiches every day. Boo hoo hoo.

I also learned that it was gorgeous weather in Utah all week and as soon as I came back it turned cold again. It was supposed to be the opposite. I am very annoyed. (In case you couldn't tell from the numerous posts I have made regarding Utah weather) Joseph told me it was my "frigid heart" that makes Utah cold and I need to leave again. The jerk...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Violent Post

This is how I feel about Utah weather.

And this is what I want it to do.

And then I will have this.

And be this.

And life will be grand.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Today I got my hearing tested.The girl who was testing me kept making puzzled faces and going "Hmmm....that's interesting."
I was a little concerned.
Apparently my bone conduction is worse than my air conduction, which is actually impossible.
We're hoping it's the machine that's messed up and not me.
The bone conduction thing went on my forehead. See that red mark? Yeah, it was tight fit.
Also I might have mild hearing loss in the lower ranges.
No worries though.
I know sign language.

*Stepping on Soapbox*
I sort of have a thing against the Audiology and Speech Therapy programs. (My program is nowhere near related to it, so don't ask me...) It's good for hearing people, yes. It's very very bad for deaf people.
I mean, the whole point of audiologists is to figure out how much hearing loss you have, correct? If they know you CANNOT hear, why do they then send you to speech therapy so that you can understand and use spoken languages?
It boggles my mind.
And it's a serious problem.
If deaf people aren't allowed access to sign language - the only kind of language they CAN use - their cognitive development slows down, which is HUGE. I mean, it's like trying to grow up using your second language without even having a first language.
And despite their claims, ASL DOES NOT affect English. It's because they're DEAF that they have struggles with a spoken language. duh. If anything, ASL helps a deaf person understand English reading and writing. That's because they can learn it through their own language.
*Stepping off Soapbox*

Sunday, March 8, 2009


This occurred around midnight last night.

A good time was had by all.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Letter of Complaint

Dear Utah Weather,

Although I have never expected the best from you, this past week has dropped you to an all-time low.
I really had almost changed my opinion of you with the beautiful spring days you were giving me. And then overnight you dropped a layer of snowfall on me.
That was low.
And then, as if to mock me for my tardiness at work because of the necessity of scraping snow and ice off my car or the fact that I wore my winter coat that morning, you caused the day to be sunshiny-bright and all the snow to be melted within an hour or two of arriving at work. I had to carry my coat out to my car under my arm. It's shameful of you, really, to ridicule me in this way.
It would have been somewhat forgivable though, if that was your only offense.
It wasn't.
This morning you were looking beautiful and so I did not wear a coat. And then you decided to dump snow on me again. I have been freezing all day.
Let's show some class and a little resolution here Utah Weather. Let's stick to one kind of weather for at least a whole day or maybe even a whole week. Let's ease into big weather changes. Let's try it out, at least for a little while. I would really really appreciate the gesture. Thank You.

Your friend,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sa-LAD, as Spongebob says...

This morning, I was sad.

This morning I decided to eat the rest of my salad for lunch. I had on purpose not finished my bag of salad in one sitting (like I normally do) so that I could have one more savory bowlful on a different day.

This morning I decided that today was that day. Whenever I eat salad it is a good day and I decided that today was going to be a good day. And I was going to start it off right by eating my favorite food ever, SALAD. So I pulled out my bag of salad and I put a little Ranch dressing and a little shredded cheese on it. And then I pulled out my fork and started to eat my salad.

This morning when I started to eat my salad I suddenly realized that it was not a delightsome and delicious salad. It was mush. Mushy, old, gross salad. And I could not eat it. It had to be thrown out. And it was a travesty.

This morning, I was sad. And so I consoled myself by going to McDonald's for a Diet Coke.

My other favorite food.

Did you know that the word salad starts to look and sound funny when you say it to yourself over and over again and when you type it over and over again?
It does.