Visit to Seth's HouseThe Good-Seth!
-his parents were very excited to meet me.
very excited.
-getting to meet his family and also some of his friends. not intimidating at all.
-actually getting some time to relax over the break
-Looney Tunes marathon
-his mom busted out the baby books. oh. yes. there were quite a few amusing pictures in there.
-learning how to drive stick shift. well... kind of.
-walking on the Greenway (a little trail through some woods, by a lake, etc. etc. very nice)
The Bad-having the Greenway built over sewage lines so it did not smell very nice in some places... actually the only place it did smell was where we decided to stop for a while. clearly not a good choice on our part
-Not being able to find his house because g-mail maps were WRONG!
-The cold, oh my sick, it was so cold.
-Seth beating me at Wii bowling, Wii boxing, Wii baseball
and Wii tennis. pathetic.
-The Labyrinth. Has anyone ever seen this movie? It is Seth's favorite, and I do not know why. Those tight tight pants of David Bowie's are going to haunt my nightmares.
Amanda's WeddingThe Good-delicious food. oh the pineapple... oh and the cupcakes.... oh and the ka-bobs.....yum
-getting to see all the people I grew up with in Richmond in one place
-getting a new outfit. i know i know-vain, but i looked so pretty! and so did my sisters.
-Amanda's husband being from North Carolina so I could go see Seth for New Years Eve
-My HILARIOUS grandpa, aunts and uncles
-several cans of diet coke. i went through withdrawals when i left.
The Bad-SO MANY ENGAGEMENT JOKES!!! People - what part of "The next time you make another crack at me I will cut your tongue out, blend it up, and make you drink it" do you not understand?!? (you see how violent I was getting? It was that. bad.)
-SO MANY TWIN JOKES!!! People - just because Amanda and I look alike does NOT mean that we are exactly the same. I know, shocker. But it's true. really. And I don't care if you're good friends with Amanda and she lets you touch her. You are not allowed to touch me. Got it?
-Freezing cold temperatures + thin jacket and skirt + thousands upon thousands of pictures = unhappy Janette
-SO MANY PICTURES!!! I think we did every arrangement possible at least twice. AT LEAST.
-it is so weird having your twin sister get married.
-That husband of Amanda's can be real annoying when he wants to be. man i'm telling you
The Ugly